Written by: Prograph International (Andrew Sacamano, Lynn McKaig)
Contents: View Text.pgs
View Text.ReadMe
Needs Prograph Extensions:
Math Primitives
More Primitives
Needs Libraries to Compile:
SCLibrary 2.6
Library 2.6
Standard Methods That Were Modified:
Universal Initial
Application/Update Menus
View Text is a form of Scroll Text whose text can't be edited. This is useful, for example, when giving instructions or in-depth descriptions which would not fit into a regular text item. If the 'select?' attribute of a View Text is set to TRUE, you can select text and copy it, but you still can't change its contents by typing over it.
How to Use in Your Program
Selectively load the View Text class into your application. When you are in Prograph's Window Editor, create an item and choose type "View Text". The dialog for Scroll Text will appear, and you can set attributes as usual; however, the dialog will not have any way to set the "select?" attribute. Shift-option-cmd-click on the object in the window to bring up a value window for the corresponding View Text instance, and set the select? attribute that way.
The "update Edit menu" methods in Edit Text and View Text can be called from Application/Update Menus as illustrated in this example. If you change the select? attribute of a view text to FALSE while the view text is the selected item, an insertion point will be drawn, and won't start flashing. There's not much to do about this. (If you're feeling dangerous, see Tech Note 22.)